This blog is dedicated to the rich distance running history at Thomas Downey High School. From the school's founding in 1950-51, there have been many superior runners. Ray Hale, Ron Whitney, and Mike Olbranz were the heros of the first decade. The 1960s belonged to Jim Seghrue and Andy Vollmer. The 1970s saw the emergence of Tim Holmes and Laurie Crisp, and Charleen Chituras. The 1980s seemed to be the low point for Downey distance running, but the 1990s would make up for that with Eric Elwess, JoAnna Cerri, and Carrie Tacheria. Since 2000 the program's brightest star was Monica Frailing. This site and associated pages pays tribute to the "fore fathers" of Downey distance running. Perhaps the spirit and success of these stars of the past will guide the Downey distance running stars of the future.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Please follow the LINKS AT RIGHT to access information by decade detailing some of the outstanding distance runners who have proudly worn the Downey uniform. If you have additions or corrections please contact me. I scanned the internet and looked through yearbooks in an attempt to thoroughly cover each decade, but I would be the first to say that pieces are missing and I welcome your comments.

1 comment:

  1. There is a photo of Ron Whitney and Gar May running together on Thomas Downey High School Track at this website.
